Ready to Bring Your Holiday Vision to Life? Let an Expert Show You The Way!

The holiday decorating season is upon us once again!

Personally, I love seeing how friends' and neighbors' holiday decor comes together, and I know I'm not alone. Who doesn't enjoy an evening walk or drive through the neighborhood to enjoy all of the glam and glitter on display this special time of year?

From festive outdoor lighting schemes to transforming our rooms into even cozier spaces for cherished family gatherings, holiday decor has really gone second-level over the past decade or so. If you're looking to get in on the fun and make your home the envy of the neighborhood, consider reaching out to a design pro with an expert eye to fully realize your holiday vision.

We're Big Fans of Riverside Nursery

My team and I are often asked to assist clients with holiday decor, and we always collaborate with one trusted source – Riverside Nursery in Canton, Connecticut.

We were incredibly fortunate to have connected with the great people at Riverside Nursery through a very good client several years ago. Their ability to craft an absolutely magical tree in deep aubergine, gold, and glitter was nothing short of awe-inspiring. We've been recommending them to clients ever since.

As far as I'm concerned, Riverside Nursery exemplifies perfection in the world of decor, making their custom creations ideal accessories for any Kellie Burke Interiors-designed home!

We Love Moscarillo’s Garden Shoppe

Our fresh outdoor wreaths are custom-made by the professional team at Moscarillo’s Garden Shoppe. We rely on their skill for our garlands and tree lights too! Everything they create is magical

Beyond the holidays, their custom floral shop and assortment of hostess gifts are incredible. I love being able to rely on Moscarillo’s for any Kellie Burke Interiors-designed home!

7 Reasons to Work with a Design Pro This Holiday Season

Still not convinced that you need a professional designer to take your holiday decor to the next level? Here are seven excellent reasons to turn to a pro you might not have considered.

You'll Have Access to The Highest Quality Materials,

Access to suitable materials is everything when your heart is set on an impressive outdoor display, complete with extravagant lighting and installations.

You can count on a design pro to source only the best materials available, including commercial-grade LED lighting, bulbs in the correct wattage, and high-quality cords explicitly intended for outdoor use. Your home will be beautifully illuminated, and you won't have to worry about blown fuses -- or worse -- ruining your holiday celebrations.

You're Holiday Look Will be Unlike Anyone Else's

As they would with any design project, a professional will ensure your holiday decor perfectly reflects your home's unique style and atmosphere, inside and out. Whether you're looking for something modern and sleek or have your heart set on a more classic holiday feel, they'll know exactly how to create the look you're going for.

You Can Have an Entirely New Look Each Holiday Season

When it comes to holiday lighting and installations, interior designers typically offer clients the option to rent rather than purchase. 

That means you can go for an entirely new look every year. Your holiday displays will never look old or outdated, and you won't have to worry about broken bulbs or replacing decorations long past their prime.

A Professional Will Be Safer and Insured

Does the thought of getting up on a ladder to hang holiday lighting immediately bring Clark Griswold to mind? If you're like most people, you probably dread the task. And who can blame you? One wrong move, and you could be out of commission for weeks, or even months, at a time.

A professional designer will bring in an equally professional crew with the knowledge and skills to safely hang your lights and set up your holiday installations. A reputable designer – and any outside pros they hire for your project – will also be fully bonded and insured, protecting you in the unlikely event that something goes awry during the installation process.

Holiday Decorating Will Be More Convenient Than Ever

With today's increasingly busy lifestyles, few people have the time to shop for, create and install extravagant holiday decor and displays. But when you leave the decorating to a pro, you save yourself hours of work. 

Just imagine no more December Saturdays spent on the roof or time wasted searching for that one faulty bulb in a long string of lights! A professional decorator will even handle take-down once the holiday season comes to an end!

You'll Free Up Storage Space

The materials needed to create an extravagant holiday display can take up a lot of storage space the remainder of the year .-- space you could be using for something else.

But when a professional is in charge, storage is never a concern. They'll ensure everything – lights, garland, artificial trees, and more – are safely stored in optimal conditions and remain beautiful and functional when the holidays come around again next year.

You Won't Have to Worry About Maintenance

Your holiday spirit will undoubtedly be tested should a light display suddenly go dark or in the event, an outdoor installation suffers damage during severe winter weather.

Fortunately, once you've hired a professional designer, those worries disappear. They'll handle any and all maintenance, ensuring your holiday decor, light displays, and installations maintain their beauty all season long!

Happy Holidays From Kellie Burke Interiors!

On behalf of everyone at Kellie Burke Interiors, I extend heartfelt wishes to you and yours for a truly joyous and memorable Holiday Season.
If you're looking to up your holiday decorating game this year, my team and I would love to help. Please don't hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation.

Kellie Burke